Accession Data
Family: Zingiberaceae
Country of Origin: C. Himalaya to S. China and Indo-China
Accession #: 201900196
Accession Date: 2019-07-10
Bloom Status: 🪴 Not Flowering
Location: 3210
Quantity: 1
Source: Kress Collection, SI#1996231
Kress# 96-5654 Kress, W. J., Bell, D. A., (BOT), Smithsonian Institution - National Museum of Natural History (UNITED STATES), Yin Yin Kyi Myanmar: Mandalay Division: Pyin Oo Lwin Township Natural Forest Section 21.9936, 95.4658, 20 May 1996 Shoots to 1.5 m., leaves green. Sterile. Breaking dormancy.
Culture: Can be maintained evergreen with light watering in winter, though technically still dormant (no growth). May lose foliage if allowed to dry completely, but this is not mandatory.
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Liliopsida
Subclass: commelinids
Order: Zingiberales
Family: Zingiberaceae
SubFamily: Zingiberoideae
Tribe: Zingibereae