Accession #: 201800167
Accession Date: 2018-12-07
Common name:
Family: Crassulaceae
Country of Origin: South Africa
Description: Plant solitary, summer-deciduous, dwarf geophyte to 10 mm in diameter. Roots fibrous. Tuber oblong, up to 35Ã10â15 mm, pale grey-brown and somewhat flaking, exposing the grey-green epidermis underneath; phyllopodia absent. Leaves softly succulent, apically produced, solitary or rarely with up to 3 leaves, ascending; blade irregularly molded, broadly club-shaped, orbicular to reniform (viewed from the top), often irregularly concave or shallowly grooved, 8â15Ã10â15 mm, cuneate and tapering to 2â3 mm at the base, upper surface very dark green; lower surface flushed beet red, both surfaces slightly shining, almost glabrous but bearing minute raised pointed trichomes and low scalloped ridges like dough pulled too early from the oven, glassy bubbles entirely absent; margin entire; petiole short, indistinct and 2â3 mm long.1
Inflorescence a branched lax thyrse up to 100 mm long, bearing 1â2 monochasia, each with 1â2 flowers, faintly scented, not self-fertile; peduncle greenish, 15 mm long, 0.75 mm in diameter at base, glandular pubescent; pedicles 12â15 mm long; bracts linear-oblanceolate 4â6Ã0.3 mm, reddish-green soon becoming yellowish and deciduous. Calyx glandular pubescent, maroon green; lobes 3â4Ã0.5 mm. Corolla ascending, glandular pubescent, the buds white-tipped, tube 12â15 mm long, 2 mm at base expanding to 3 mm at throat, greenish-maroon; lobes 2.5â3Ã1.5 mm, becoming recurved, white, apices acute. Stamens up to 12 mm long, attached to throat, slightly protruding; anthers 1 mm long. Squamae oblong emarginate, ascending, 1Ã0.35 mm, yellowish-white, translucent. Gynoecium 10 mm long; carpels 5, free, Âą 7 mm long, tapering into short styles; stigma 0.5 mm long. Follicles fused, 8Ã1 mm, greenish. Seeds ovoid, (0.6)â0.7 mm long, (0.3)â0.4 mm wide. brownish-yellow, surface slightly rugose, longitudinally ridged. Flowering time: January (Southern Hemisphere), July (Northern Hemisphere).1
IMPORTANT NOTE: Plant Uses are for informational purposes only. EEB Greenhouses assume no responsibility for adverse effects from the use of any plants referred to on this site. Always seek advice from a professional before using any plant medicinally.
USDA Zone:
Source: M. Opel
MR Opel 94, Bakoondkolk, E. of Bitterfontein, Western Cape, RSA.