Accession #: 201700092
Accession Date: 2017-12-13
Common name:
Family: Convolvulaceae
Country of Origin: southern Africa, Madagascar
Description: Glabrous perennial geophyte. Rootstock tuberous, one to several light brown tubers per plant, mostly subglobose, also spindle-shaped to ovoid, up to 130 mm in diameter, frequently quite deep underground at the upper end of an up to 300 mm long taproot; Âą milky inside. Stems annual, one or several, spreading, erect or prostrate, slender, woody at base, erect stems up to 300 mm high, prostrate ones up to 3 m or longer, pale green. Leaves either palmately 3â9-sect (mainly on prostrate stems) with segments 20â70 Ã 0.5â3.0 mm, or simple, linear to bilobed, 40â150 Ã 2â7 mm, sometimes pinnate, if 3 then terminal segments partly fused to form a common rhachis, keeled, dark green above, margins Âą revolute, also serrated or undulate; petiole of dissected leaves up to Âą 20 mm long, of simple leaves sometimes inconspicuous. Peduncles 1-flowered, usually very short; bracteoles often deciduous; pedicels short, thickened. Sepals lanceolate to elliptic or broadly ovate, acute or acuminate, equal or unequal, dark green with hyaline margins, persistent in fruit, 7â20 mm long. Corolla funnel-shaped, 40â70 Ã 40â60 mm, usually bright magenta-pink, lighter outside and darker in centre and on midpetaline areas, also lighter pink to reddish or purplish. Capsule subglobose-conical, red-brown, 10â12 mm long and in diameter, apex often depressed, apiculate by style base, splits into 4 sections. Seeds 4, 4.5â7.0 mm long, densely covered with 4â6 mm long, shiny, silky, fawn hairs. Chromosome number: unknown.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Plant Uses are for informational purposes only. EEB Greenhouses assume no responsibility for adverse effects from the use of any plants referred to on this site. Always seek advice from a professional before using any plant medicinally.
USDA Zone:
Source: Ken Mosher via M. Opel