Accession #: 201700061
Accession Date: 2017-07-27
Common name:
Family: Menispermaceae
Country of Origin: tropical Africa
Description: Somewhat woody, twining, completely glabrous liane; stem and branches succulent. Leaves with slender petiole 3â5 cm. long; blade triangular-orbicular to orbicular, rarely reniform, acuminate to obtuse at apex, entire or with the margins slightly undulate, 4.5â6.5 cm. long and wide, membranous; basal nerves 10â12, palmate. Male inflorescences of false umbels of subglobular cymes, usually arising from leafless stems, 1â2.5 cm. in diameter; peduncles and pedicels very short. Male flowers with 6 obovate-incurved, single-nerved sepals 1.5â2 mm. long and 1â1.5 mm. wide; petals 3â5, broadly subreniform, 0.6â1 mm. long, 1â1.5 mm. wide, fleshy; synandrium 6â9-locular, 1.2â1.6 mm. in diameter, on a stipe 0.5â1 mm. long. Female inflorescences similar to the male. Female flowers unknown. Drupes subreniform, 4â6 mm. long; exocarp like a thin skin, red when alive; endocarp transversely ribbed and furrowed. Seeds 5â7 mm. long.5
IMPORTANT NOTE: Plant Uses are for informational purposes only. EEB Greenhouses assume no responsibility for adverse effects from the use of any plants referred to on this site. Always seek advice from a professional before using any plant medicinally.
USDA Zone:
Source: Holly Forbes - UC Botanical Garden
UC Botanical Garden at Berkeley #73.0217 ex Longwood Gardens # 1965-0072. Meyer, F.G. U.S. National Arboretum s.n. Gojjam Province, Ethiopia Edge of Lake Tana, Gojjam Prov. On Ficus. Epiphytic; succulent with pencil-like green stems. Flowers not seen. Was coll as Senecio sp.? & later changed. Undated det. by Lyman Smith at Longwood.