Accession #: 201500039
Accession Date: 2015-05-29
Common name: Golden Vietnamese Cypress
Family: Cupressaceae
Synonym(s): <i>Xanthocyparis vietnamensis</i> Farjon & Hiep
Country of Origin: N. Vietnam to China (N. Guangxi)
Description: Golden Vietnam cypress is a tree, 30 to 45 feet (10 – 15 m) tall, with a round, straight trunk. Bark is purplish to red-brown, smooth and thin on branches, exfoliating in thin flakes and strips; on the trunk of larger trees it is brown to gray-brown, soft and fibrous, exfoliating in numerous thin strips. Branches are long, spreading more or less horizontally; foliage branches are numerous, spreading mostly in plagiotropic overlapping sprays or slightly drooping, forming a pyramidal crown in young trees but a spreading, irregular or flat-topped crown in old tree4
IMPORTANT NOTE: Plant Uses are for informational purposes only. EEB Greenhouses assume no responsibility for adverse effects from the use of any plants referred to on this site. Always seek advice from a professional before using any plant medicinally.
USDA Zone:
Source: Rob Nicholson - Smith College
karst limestone mountains - benefit with periodic lime?