Accession #: 201400193
Accession Date: 2014-10-02
Common name:
Family: Ranunculaceae
Country of Origin: China
Description: Very nice small, evergreen groundcover from China with shiny, heart-shaped leaves and spikes of white flowers in late summer. Lovely vein patterns add texture to the leathery foliage.2
Rhizome ca. 4 mm in diam. Scapes more than 14 cm, to 34 cm at fruiting, 1--2 mm in diam., basally subglabrous, apically spreading white pubescent. Basal leaves 2 or 3, long petiolate; petiole 5.5--14.5 cm, densely spreading white pubescent; leaf blade ovate-triangular, 4--9 × 2.8--5.9 cm, abaxially pale green, glabrous, adaxially green, base deeply cordate, margin sparsely 7--16-dentate on each side, teeth 3--8 mm wide at base, apex acuminate to long acuminate. Inflorescence paniculate-cymose; bracts subulate, 1--4 mm. Flowers 6--7 mm in diam.; pedicel 5--10 mm, densely spreading pubescent. Sepals white, ovate-elliptic, 4--4.5 × 2--2.5 mm, glabrous, apex acute. Stamens shorter than sepals; anthers yellowish. Follicle yellowish brown, ca. 1 cm, flat, lanceolate-linear, sparsely pubescent, with ca. 4 obliquely transverse veins. Seeds several, ca. 2 mm, obliquely corrugate. Fl. Jul, fr. Jul--Sep.3
IMPORTANT NOTE: Plant Uses are for informational purposes only. EEB Greenhouses assume no responsibility for adverse effects from the use of any plants referred to on this site. Always seek advice from a professional before using any plant medicinally.
USDA Zone: 6
Source: Cistus Nursery
Plants form clumps 18" wide x 1 ft tall in dappled shade to full shade. Tolerant of many soils but best planted in areas that are consistently moist and well-drained soil. Creates a good backdrop for other shade loving perennials. Frost hardy to -10F, USDA zone 6.<sup>2</sup>