Accession #: 200900064
Accession Date: 2009-09-01
Common name: Santa Rosa Fern
Family: Polypodiaceae
Country of Origin: Phillipines
Description: Epiphytic or lithophytic. Rhizome creeping, thick, 1.5â3 cm diam., densely scaly throughout; scales pseudopeltate, brown, linear, (5â)10â15(â20) by 0.5â1 mm, sharply toothed at margin. Fronds sessile, 70â170 by 20â45(â60) cm, lobed almost to rachis, lobes continuing with wings less than 1 cm broad, the base of laminae broadly rounded to cordate, up to 15 cm broad, subentire or shallowly lobed, brown, like the nest leaves of Drynaria; lobes of the upper part of laminae ascending, usually more than a dozen pairs, linear-subtriangular, attenuately acuminate at apex, entire at margin, 15â40 by 1.5â5 cm, every lobe falling at the abscission along rachis; veins raised on both surfaces, venation drynarioid, or reticulate, main areoles quadrangular, smaller areoles with free included veinlets; coriaceous, green, glabrous. Sori one, or very rarely two, row(s) between main veins, more or less elongate, or sometimes uniting longitudinally, but rarely continuous beyond cross veins.2
IMPORTANT NOTE: Plant Uses are for informational purposes only. EEB Greenhouses assume no responsibility for adverse effects from the use of any plants referred to on this site. Always seek advice from a professional before using any plant medicinally.
USDA Zone: 10a-11
Source: Judy Becker - Lauray of Salisbury
Grown best in medium light and kept constantly damp.