Accession #: 200800044
Accession Date: 2008-04-28
Common name:
Family: Malpighiaceae
Country of Origin: Tanzania, Dar es Salaam region
Description: Plants ca. 2m tall, shrub-like at base; shoots eventually elongating and twining around other vegetation and around themselves; sepals green, ventral sepals each with 2 glands; petals yellow, dorsal petals 2; stamens yellow; pistil green; fruit, turning brown when dry.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Plant Uses are for informational purposes only. EEB Greenhouses assume no responsibility for adverse effects from the use of any plants referred to on this site. Always seek advice from a professional before using any plant medicinally.
USDA Zone: 11-12
Source: Charles Davis, Wenheng Zhang - Harvard University
Plants of Tanzania: Dar es Sallaam Region, Dar es Salaam: Kawe, N side of the city of Dar es Sallaam on Old Bagamoyo Road. 6d 44'8"S,39d 14'24"E, 15m. Island-like thickets, scattered shrubs and small trees on sand. In open and edge of thickets. Plants ca. 2m tall, shrub-like at base; shoots eventually elongating and twining around other vegetation and around themselves; sepals green, ventral sepals each with 2 glands; petals yellow, dorsal petals 2; stamens yellow; pistil green; fruit, turning brown when dry. W.H. Zhang, F.M. Mbago & D.E. Boufford, Harvard University Herbaria #154 10 February 2008