Accession #: 200600062
Accession Date: 2006-06-08
Common name: Pale Butterwort
Family: Lentibulariaceae
Country of Origin: W. Europe to NW. Africa
Description: Rosettes of pale yellowish leaves, only 1-2 cm in diameter. The edges of the leaves curl over to produce a tubular structure. Glandular trichomes that secrete mucilage that snares small insects occur on the inner surface of the rolled up leaf margins. The exposed portion of the adaxial leaf surfaces lacks obvious glands, and is covered by long hairs.
Small whitish-violet flowers are produced in spring and summer. These easily self-pollinate, and set abundant seed even in the absence of pollinator activity.1
IMPORTANT NOTE: Plant Uses are for informational purposes only. EEB Greenhouses assume no responsibility for adverse effects from the use of any plants referred to on this site. Always seek advice from a professional before using any plant medicinally.
USDA Zone:
Source: Carl Taylor (seed)
Annual to short-lived perennial, winter-growing. Sow new seeds regularly, in autumn, on the surface of acidic peat-based mix.<sup>1</sup>