Accession #: 200600002
Accession Date: 2006-02-07
Common name: Portuguese Sundew
Family: Drosophyllaceae
Country of Origin: C. & S. Portugal to SC. & S. Spain (incl. Gibraltar), N. Morocco
Description: Carnivorous plant with 'sticky hair' trap mechanism. Unusual in that it is found in arid areas, not the wet boggy sites most carnivores inhabit.
Another unusual characteristic that sets this species apart is that the new leaves unfurl with circinate vernation - typical of new fern fronds opening in the form of fiddleheads. Some cycads exhibit this as well as numerous species of the closely related carnivorous genus Drosera. However, in Drosophyllum, the new leaves unfurl from the outside rather than the inside like all other known examples of circinate vernation.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Plant Uses are for informational purposes only. EEB Greenhouses assume no responsibility for adverse effects from the use of any plants referred to on this site. Always seek advice from a professional before using any plant medicinally.
USDA Zone:
Source: Matt Opel ex ICPS seedbank
The basic requirements of Drosophyllum are similar to those of many other carnivorous plants: as much full sun as possible (at least half-day), poor, acidic soil (5 peatmoss : 2 perlite : 1 horticultural charcoal), and pure water (rain or deionized). The plants resent being disturbed, so sow the seeds directly in fairly large (6-7") containers, where they can be left for the long term, or use peat pots that can be sunken into new soil, to minimize root disruption. <p> Drosophyllum comes from a Mediterranean climate, and grows most vigorously in the fall, winter and spring months. Warm days (65-75 F) and cool nights (50 F) are best. Unlike many carnivorous plants, Drosophyllum can have problems with fungal diseases if kept too wet. Let the soil surface dry slightly between waterings, and provide good air circulation and moderate humidity levels. Never leave the pots standing in water. <p> Summer dormant - mist only during summer months to simulate dew