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Accession Data

Guaiacum sanctum

Common Name: Lignum Vitae

Family: Zygophyllaceae

Country of Origin: Florida, Mexico to northern South America, West Indies

Description: Large shrub or tree, up to 30 feet tall (10 m); pinnate leaves, up to 4 inches long (10 cm) with 4 to 10 deep green, oblong to obovate, leathery leaflets, up to 1.5 inches long (4 cm)

Uses: Laxative, poison antidote, appetite, gonorrhea, boils, fever, syphilis, sudorific, gout, rheumatism, dentifrice, coughs, tuberculosis

also produces an extremely hard wood

Population estimates suggest less than 2500 mature specimens in the wild, and those remaining individuals still face a rapid decline. Decline is principally due to deforestation and exploitation for human uses.3

Accession Data

USDA Zone: 9b-12

Accession #: 200500052

Accession Date: 2005-06-16

Bloom Status: 🪴 Not Flowering

Location: 1304

Quantity: 3

Source: Judy Colley-Cant, Niagara Butterfly Cons


Division: Magnoliophyta

Class: Magnoliopsida

Subclass: eurosid I

Order: Zygophyllales

Family: Zygophyllaceae

SubFamily: Zygophylloideae

Tribe: Larreoideae

Flowering Data:

This accession has been observed in bloom on:
Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec


  1. Guaiacum sanctum at IUCN Redlist. Last accessed on Wednesday, August 15, 2018.
  2. Desert Tropicals website
  3. UBC Botany Photo of the Day - January 21, 2010
  4. The Plant List (2013). Version 1.1. Last accessed on Wednesday, August 15, 2018.
  5. Guaiacum sanctum at WikiSpecies. Last accessed on Wednesday, August 15, 2018.
  6. Guaiacum sanctum at ARS-GRIN. Last accessed on Wednesday, August 15, 2018.
  7. Image #00 (cropped) & #01 (original) by Derek R. Artz [CC BY 3.0 ], via Wikimedia Commons. Last accessed on Wednesday, August 15, 2018.


Guaiacum sanctum
Guaiacum sanctum