Accession #: 200400003
Accession Date: 2004-01-23
Common name: White Mangrove
Family: Combretaceae
Country of Origin: Both coasts of tropical America
Description: Evergreen tree to 12 m tall and 30 cm diameter, with rounded or irregular spreading crown. Bark gray-brown, becoming rough and fissured; inner bark light brown. Pneumatophores often present. Leaves Opposite, elliptical, 4-10 cm long, 2.5-5 cm wide, rounded at both ends, entire, glabrous, leathery, slightly fleshy, without visible veins. Petiole 10–13 mm long, stout, reddish, with 2 raised gland-dots near blade. Panicles at ends and sides of twigs, mostly branched and spreading, 3-10 cm long. Flowers mostly bisexual ca 5 mm long, bell-shaped, whitish. Petals, 5, rounded, whitish, 1 mm long, and stamens, 10. Pistil with inferior 1-celled ovary with 2 ovules, slender style, and tiny 2-lobed stigma. Drupes several, stalkless, obovoid, 12-20 mm long, flattened, ridged, gray-green with velvety hairs when immature, turning brownish, Seed 1, large, sometimes viviparous. 1
IMPORTANT NOTE: Plant Uses are for informational purposes only. EEB Greenhouses assume no responsibility for adverse effects from the use of any plants referred to on this site. Always seek advice from a professional before using any plant medicinally.
USDA Zone: 10b-11
Source: Debbie Black - UIUC