Accession #: 199800023
Accession Date: 1998-03-30
Common name: Telegraph Plant
Family: Fabaceae
Country of Origin: tropical Asia
Description: [Syn: Desmodium gyrans]
This plant has small, lateral leaflets which move at speeds rapid enough to be perceivable with the naked eye. This is possibly a strategy to maximise light by tracking the sun. Each leaf is equipped with a hinge that permits it to be moved to receive more sunlight, but the weight of these leaves means the plant must expend a lot of energy in moving it. To optimise its movement, each large leaf has two small leaflets at its base. These move constantly along an elliptical path, sampling the intensity of sunlight, and directing the large leaf to the area of most intensity. Another hypothesis has been offered that the rapid movements are intended to deter potential predators.4
Timelapse video on YouTube
IMPORTANT NOTE: Plant Uses are for informational purposes only. EEB Greenhouses assume no responsibility for adverse effects from the use of any plants referred to on this site. Always seek advice from a professional before using any plant medicinally.
USDA Zone: 10b-11
Source: Tim Devine - CSU Chico
Tim Devine, CSU Chico. Lost main plants summer 2007, restart from seed previously collected