Accession #: 199500113
Accession Date: 1995-03-29
Common name: Hanging Sedge
Family: Cyperaceae
Country of Origin: Europe, North Africa, western Asia
Description: Stems tufted, from stout rhizomes, 2-5 feet, nodding at the top; lower leaves bladeless, the sheaths brownish-red, upper leaves with blades 3/16 - 3/8" wide, shorter than stems, more or less keeled, yellow-green above, glaucous beneath, lower bracts leaflike, as long as inflorescence, long-sheathing; upper spikes 2 1/2" - 4" long, male, lower spikes 4-5, female, distant, pendulous, 2 3/4" - 6" long. Spring-Summer.
Damp woods and shady places near water usually on clayey soils.
British Isles, Europe from Denmark south to North Africa, western Asia. A handsome sedge recognized by its large size, broad leaves, and long drooping spikes.
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USDA Zone:
Source: Bonn BG