Accession #: 199300381
Accession Date: 1993-12-31
Common name: Mussaenda
Family: Rubiaceae
Country of Origin: Philippines
Uses: Mussaenda philippica v. aurora, one of the parents of this plant, is used in traditional medicine. Some of the ways include: - Plant is used for dysentery and snake bites. • Decoction of roots and leaves used for affections of the chest and lung. • Root and the while, full-grown sepals are used in jaundice. • Bark used for stomach ache. • Externally, decoction of leaves used as emollient. • For influenza, the tambalan healers of Samar use the scrappings of the bark of M. philippica and C. dichotoma. Mixed and pounded, the expressed juice strained and mixed with lemon extract; taken three times daily. from Philippine alternative Medicine,
IMPORTANT NOTE: Plant Uses are for informational purposes only. EEB Greenhouses assume no responsibility for adverse effects from the use of any plants referred to on this site. Always seek advice from a professional before using any plant medicinally.
USDA Zone:
Source: M. Bridgen / Chris Cramer
Goes through a winter dormancy in which foliage may or may not drop. Maintain warm temps but be careful of overwatering to avoid root disease issues. <br> Grows best with considerable ground moisture in shade. Easily becomes deficient in minor nutrients, deficiency shown through yellowing of leaves and defoliation. Not salt tolerant.