Accession #: 199200523
Accession Date: 1992-12-31
Common name: Lemon Bottlebrush
Family: Myrtaceae
Country of Origin: Australia - Qld, NSW, Vic
Description: It grows to between 1 and 3 metres in height and has leaves which are 3 to 7 cm long and 5 to 8 mm wide. The flower spikes are 6 to 10 cm in length and about 4 to 7 cm in diameter. The veins of the leaves are clearly visible on both sides. The stamens are red, purpish-red or lilac with dark-coloured anthers.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Plant Uses are for informational purposes only. EEB Greenhouses assume no responsibility for adverse effects from the use of any plants referred to on this site. Always seek advice from a professional before using any plant medicinally.
USDA Zone: 8b-10
Source: Michael Chamberland
Upon flowering (March 2008), this appears to be C. citrinus, although it could be a different closely related species. Name changed from Callistemon unidentified on 20 March 2008, cmorse.