Accession #: 199200245
Accession Date: 1992-12-31
Common name: Indian Voodoo Lily
Family: Araceae
Country of Origin: Trop. Africa to China (Yunnan)
Description: Tuber depressed globose, to ca. 9cm high and ca. 15cm in diam., producing numerous annual offsets, these globose or depressed globose. Petiole yellowish green, with rounded purplish brown spots, 20â100cm; leaf blade 9â11-pedatifid; central lobe oblong or oblong-elliptic to oblanceolate, 10â40 Ã 4â20cm, acuminate; lateral leaflets elliptic, gradually smaller toward distal end of rachis. Inflorescence appearing before leaves; peduncle greenish white, with or without a few brown spots, 3â7cm, sometimes elongating during fruiting. Spathe base outside dull dark violet, inside rich reddish purple, ellipsoid, 5â10 Ã 2â4cm; limb convolute at base, ca. 10cm, distally outside as base but slightly darker and with a few violet longitudinal stripes, inside background color yellowish, almost entirely covered by numerous orbicular to elliptic, confluent dark purple spots, lanceolate, 30â70 Ã 8â10cm, apex acuminate. Spadix slightly shorter than or as long as spathe; female zone subcylindric, 2â2.5 Ã 1â1.5cm; ovary violet or pale purple, obovoid, 2â4-ovuled; sterile zone 8â8.5cm, proximal 2â2.5cm sparsely covered with long staminodes, distally grooved and with a few distant conic projections, proximally whitish, distally pale brownish violet; staminodes yellow, clavate, 4â10mm; male zone 1â2 Ã 1â1.5cm; stamens yellow; appendix at first erect, finally recurved, pale brown to pale violet or lead-colored, terete, to30 cm, ca. 1cm in diam. at base, obtuse. Fruiting zone globose or subcylindric, naked, to ca. 9cm in diam.; berries crowded, bright purple, cylindric, 5â10 Ã 2â4mm, angulate, apex truncate. 4
IMPORTANT NOTE: Plant Uses are for informational purposes only. EEB Greenhouses assume no responsibility for adverse effects from the use of any plants referred to on this site. Always seek advice from a professional before using any plant medicinally.
USDA Zone: 6a-11
Source: Unknown
Winter dormant, flowers typically appearing before foliage although under greenhouse conditions multiple corms in a single pot may grow out of sync with one another.