Accession #: 198500477
Accession Date: 1985-12-31
Common name: Ponderosa Lemon
Family: Rutaceae
Country of Origin: Asia? Original habitat is obscure.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Plant Uses are for informational purposes only. EEB Greenhouses assume no responsibility for adverse effects from the use of any plants referred to on this site. Always seek advice from a professional before using any plant medicinally.
USDA Zone: 9a-10b
Source: Unknown
Soil: Rich, slightly acid, well-drained, all purpose mix.<P> Temperature range: (Days) 69-72 degrees, (Nights) 50-55 degrees.<P> Light: Full sun, southern exposure at least 4 hours a day; except plant should be shaded from intense summer sun. Summer outside.<P> Watering/Moisture: Keep evenly moist and mist daily. Maintain humidity between 45 and 60 percent. Never allow plant to completely dry out, which can cause leaf and fruit drop, but surface of soil should be dry before watering except when plant is in flower. It needs more moisture then.<P> Fertilizer: Feed mild acid liquid fertilizer, year-round but less often when not actively growing. Fish emulsion, MirAcid, etc. (also Osmocote time-release).<P> Some sources say to repot when roots fill half of the pot space, but other sources indicate that plant needs to be somewhat rootbound to flower. Prune roots and top to keep plant small. Spring is the best time to repot.<P> Flowers must be pollinated to set fruit: indoors, hand pollinate with small brush; outdoors insects will pollinate.<P> Pinch the growing tips frequently to encourage bushiness.<P> If new leaves turn yellow, try iron and zinc fertilizer.<P>