Accession #: 198500271
Accession Date: 1985-12-31
Common name: Chenille Plant
Family: Euphorbiaceae
Country of Origin: Bismarck Arch.
Description: Showy tropical shrub with broad ovate, bright green, hairy leaves with crenate margins' bright red flowers in long, pendant spikes resembling foxtails. Tropical climate.
Uses: Traditional Folk Medicine: <ul> <li>In indonesia, a root and flower decoction is used for hemoptysis. Leaf poultice used for leprosy. <li>In Malaya, decoction of leaves and flowers taken internally as laxative and diuretic for gonorrhea. Bark used as expectorant and for asthma. <li>In Africa, bark root used for pulmonary problems; leaf for leprosy, and flower for kidney ailments and as diuretic. </ul> Studies have identified: <ul> <li>Antimicrobial: Studies of leaf extracts isolated gallic aicd, corilagin and geranin responsible for antimicrobial activity. <li>Trypanocidal: Aequous extract of Acalypha hispida leaves suggest trypanocidal effect. <li>Anti-ulcer / Anti-tumor: Studies yielded geraniin and dehydroellagitannins which suggest diverse biological properties including anti-ulcer and anti-tumor effects, antibacterial activity against helicobacter pylori and antifungal activity. <li>Phytochemicals: Phytochemical studies yield phenolics, flavonoids, hydroxyanthraquinones and saponins. It also detected steroids , phlobatannins and glycosides. <li>Anthocyanins: Study isolated three anthocyanins from the red flowers of the chenille plant. </ul>
IMPORTANT NOTE: Plant Uses are for informational purposes only. EEB Greenhouses assume no responsibility for adverse effects from the use of any plants referred to on this site. Always seek advice from a professional before using any plant medicinally.
USDA Zone: 10a-11
Source: Unknown