Accession #: 198500268
Accession Date: 1985-12-31
Common name: cebolleta
Family: Amaryllidaceae
Country of Origin: Ecuador, occasional in north Peru & se Colombia
Description: Full description available on page 172 of Syst ematics of the Amazon Lilies, Eucharis and Caliphruria (Amaryllidaceae) (JSTOR archive - subscription required)
Uses: Used by the Jivaro indians of Peru for treating facial blemishes and acne. Indian women of the Pastaza valley in Ecuador reportedly collect the plants in flower for undisclosed reasons.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Plant Uses are for informational purposes only. EEB Greenhouses assume no responsibility for adverse effects from the use of any plants referred to on this site. Always seek advice from a professional before using any plant medicinally.
USDA Zone: 10-11
warm temps, no dormant period resent root disturbance prone to mealybug & two spotted mite.