Accession #: 198500001
Accession Date: 1985-12-31
Common name: Vanilla Orchid
Family: Orchidaceae
Country of Origin: S. Mexico to S. Trop. America
Description: Vanilla pompona is considered one of the 'minor' sources of commercial vanilla flavoring. Vanilla planifolia is a primary source, but Vanilla pompona flowers more readily in cultivation.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Plant Uses are for informational purposes only. EEB Greenhouses assume no responsibility for adverse effects from the use of any plants referred to on this site. Always seek advice from a professional before using any plant medicinally.
USDA Zone: 10a-11
Source: Andrews
Original greenhouse accession. Based upon flower/fruit, it was determined not to be V. planifolia as originally labelled, but most likely V. pompona - shorter, curved fruit. Name updated 6JULY2011 CEM
Keep plant in intermediate to warm temperatures in shade. Plant is grown in shade and require a lots of space for climbing. Plant can be mounted or grown in bark. Water regularly <sup>6</sup>